
This site is copyright © 2024.

Content scraping to train AI models is strictly prohibited.


The template engine used to create this site is available as open source software:

Sample site:

Cookie declaration

This site does not use any cookies other those purely essential for site operation. As such, it does not need a cookie consent banner.

Data protection

This site does not collect any personal data about you, other than webserver logs that are rotated and deleted within a reasonable time.

This data is collected under Article 6.1.f - legitimate interest. It is in the interest of the continued running of the site that logs are stored. The balance test for this is that the logs are self-deleting after a short period of time and that the data collected is only IP addresses - which may be personal data - but more important data like email addresses are not collected.


This site uses the Oak Sans font. It is used under Open Font License.

It was downloaded from Fontesk, August 2023.